Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Do Women Experience Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life, but it can take its toll on her body as well. Eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep and taking prenatal vitamins can prevent some of them or at least lessen their impact. One thing that plagues many women that has little to do with a woman's health is hair loss after pregnancy .

Hair normally goes through an anagen cycle, which is the growth phase and telogen, the resting phase. The anagen cycle lasts four to seven years, when you will experience hair growth of about half an inch per month. After the growth period, the hair enters the resting phase, which usually last about three months. Then follows anagen again, growing a fresh hair and pushing the old one out of the follicle, so that it falls out. Some hair follicles can be in telogen all the time, and it is considered normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. Once the baby is born and the pregnancy is eliminated, hormones start to change their course rapidly. You will enter in the telogen phase immediately that lasts for about three months. So after the baby comes into the world, you lose the entire safe and secure hair strands at the same time.

Pregnancy period is an extreme state of stress and since extreme stress has been known to be one of the cause of hair loss it can enhance it. Several mental and physical transitions maybe experienced after pregnancy. This is due to alterations in the woman's body hormone that occurred during the pregnancy period. These alterations vary from woman to woman, depending on the care taken during this period and the body type. Statistics show that about 75% of women experience loss of hair after this period. It is natural to lose some hair after pregnancy. While it isn't something that any woman would like to have happen, it need not be an unexpected surprise, as long as she understands the reasons behind it.

The hormonal situation in a woman's body while she is pregnant keeps the hair in a strong growth phase. This is due to the fact that she is not losing hair that she would normally be losing and so the density of her hair increases during her pregnancy. Not only do you have above average normal hair growth during pregnancy , you also do not lose hair during pregnancy that you normally would.

Taking excellent care of yourself is essential to minimizing hair loss. Not only do you need proper nutrition, but you also need an adequate amount of rest. However, getting plenty of sleep with a new baby in the house is almost impossible, but if you can get a friend or a relative to stay with the baby to give you a few extra hours of sleep, you should try to arrange it. You can also try to rest any time the baby rests.

Marbo Shampoo is effective against hair loss, because it contains herbal ingredients from different medicinal herbs. Active ingredients full of vitamins and mineral salts stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. Sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation.

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