Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hair Loss Causes, Besides Alopecia Areata

Hair Loss Causes, Besides Alopecia Areata
There are a variety of different reasons why men and women could be suffering from hair loss. There are so many different treatment options available that claim to treat all of these different causes. If you are suffering from sudden hair loss see your doctor immediately. This could potentially be a sign of a serious medical condition. Hair loss also might be a side effect of taking a prescription drug. Hair loss is usually caused by hereditary factors. The term male pattern baldness is often used to describe this type of hair loss.
Alopecia areata is just one cause of alopecia, or hair loss. Others include:
- Traction alopecia – a condition that occurs when ponytails or tight braids put so much stress on the hair that it falls out. If this happens repeatedly it can cause scarring and root damage that will prevent hair from growing back. - Cicatricial alopecia – a group of related disorders in which inflammation destroys the hair follicles and replaces them with scar tissue. Also referred to as scarring alopecia, this cause of permanent hair loss is often seen in skin conditions such as discoid lupus erythematosus and lichen planus. - Androgenic alopecia – also called male-pattern or female-pattern baldness, a condition in which the growth phase of the normal hair cycle shortens, making hair more fragile. Over time hairs falls out easily leaving a characteristic pattern of thinning or baldness. - Trichotillomania – a mental condition in which people have an uncontrollable urge to pull out their hair. This can lead to patchy bald spots on the head. - Telogen effluvium – hair loss related to a change in the normal hair cycle. This may be caused by an emotional shock – such as the death of a loved one – or physical shock, such as high fever, illness or surgery. hair growth in alopecia areata can seem like a constant battle. There is no cure for autoimmune disorders at this time, only ways to suppress them. This means that it will be something you will battle for the rest of your life. However there are many treatments available and many specialists that you can see.
While there are proven drugs that help with the treatment of hair loss some people would rather not deal with the potential side effects of prescription drugs. There are many different natural options out there for people looking for alternatives. However, you should understand the causes of your hair loss before trying any of these hair loss products. You should consult a doctor if you’re experiencing hair shedding because it might be a sign of a more serious medical condition.
Marbo Hair is a very popular supplement for people looking for a natural alopecia cure. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and facial hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier and it’s one of the most effective natural products against alopecia and hair loss in patches in the world.

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