Wednesday, August 15, 2012

7 Advices That Can Help You Prevent Hair Loss

7 Advices That Can Help You Prevent Hair Loss
Alopecia Areata is the term given for the condition of losing hair in one or more areas of the scalp and body. It affects both male and female, having a preference towards children, teenagers and young adults more than the older generation. Here are some advices you can follow if you suffer from hair loss.
1. Avoid using hair dryers and applying chemicals in your hair, because they can irritate the skin of your head. If the scalp becomes too dry because of the chemically damages, hair loss is going to happen soon. This hair loss advice is good for the hair and even other parts of the body. Take care of your skin and hair, so you can enjoy them many years to come without problems. 2. Keep your hair and scalp clean. Wash your hair with mild shampoo to take away dirt and oil in your scalp. Dirt build up may lead to dandruff. Dandruff if left uncheck may cause hair loss. Keeping your hair and scalp clean is very important. 3. Eat a balanced diet. Diet may play a role in the normal process of hair growth . Vitamin deficiency is also a major player in hair loss incidence. Keep in mind that healthy body will lead to healthy hair and scalp. 4. Scalp massage, proper blood circulation helps the body to become healthy and strong. This goes with the hair as well. It is good hair loss advice that you massage your scalp as you shampoo. It will help your blood to circulate properly and thus will induce healthy regrowth of hair. 5. Manage your hormones. Hormones are common causes of hair loss . The hormone dihydrotestosterone is the male hormone that causes receding hairline and balding among men. It is therefore important that if balding runs in your blood, ensure that you will block the action of dihydrotestosterone that may cause hair loss. Alternatively, estrogen and hair loss have been linked, most notably when women are pregnant. Generally, this condition is temporary. 6. Hair transplants and surgery may bring back the life in your hair but it may rob you of your hard-earned money. This can be useful if you really suffer from lower self-esteem and your social life has drastically changed. 7. Try using natural DHT inhibitors. Hair doctors formulate it and thus there is no side effect. It is easy to use and works wonders to keep a full head of hair. There are a lot of people offering hair loss advices on forums and popular hair loss websites. It is important to know what the cause of your hair loss problem is and make sure that you look at products that will be helpful.
Marbo hair growth Activator is 100% based on natural formula. It activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions and can be effectively used for loss of all body and facial hair.

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