Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Alopecia Areata Treatments - The Choice You Have

Alopecia Areata Treatments - The Choice You Have 

Hair loss is a condition that affects most people at least once in a life time and it occurs for many different reasons. Hair loss can't be predicted, but there are ways to prevent it and there are also lots of treatments to reverse the condition that you can use. There are medical experts that claim that individuals experience hair loss because they have certain deficiencies in important nutrients, while others offer studies that show that it is genetically predetermined.

Don't choose the treatment before you ask a doctor for the opinion, since the doctor can evaluate your condition and the possible side-effects that every treatment can cause.
The Choice Of Treatments For Alopecia Areata" Topical immunotherapy is used for extensive alopecia areata. The treatment with immunosuppressant such as cyclosporine causes a skin reaction similar to mild eczema, which in some cases may lead to regrowth of hair.
" Oral zinc treatment seems to possess an immunomodulatory as well as an anti-androgenetic effect. However, very high doses are needed for it to be effective and this may result in side effects which can include vomiting and diarrhea.
" Corticosteroid shots treatment is used the most and it is one of the most effective treatments. These shots are injected directly into the bald spot with the aim to suppress the autoimmune reaction, but it has been proven to work only on small bald spots.
" Retin A - Tretinoin is used in the treatment of both Alopecia Areata and Androgenetic Alopecia. Usually Retin-A in a gel form is rubbed on the area of hair loss. The effects of this gel are the best when used in combination with topical Minoxidil. Minoxidil should be applied in the morning and Retin-A in the evening due to the fact that Retin-A increases the skins sensitivity to sunlight.
" PUVA - psoralen plus ultraviolet A radiation consists of a topical or oral application of psoralen, followed by ultraviolet radiation. It is better tolerated than topical immunotherapy but is also less effective.
" Natural Hair Care Products are the choice of a lot of people since they don't have side-effects but still promote hair growth. They are usually made of herbs that calm the scalp and enhance the circulation, which altogether helps in the hair growth process.
The patients initiate recovery and strengthen the body's systems by using herbs and organic-based ingredients. These herbal treatments are a part of natural treatments, but before you start using it, you should find out the way it is supposed to be used. No one can say for sure why hair follicles undergo these changes that cause hair loss, but they suspect that a combination of genes may predispose some people to the disease. People who are genetically predisposed to have hair loss notice first signs after some kind of a trigger that initiates the attack of the immune system against the hair follicles.
Hair products made of natural ingredients can promote healthy growth of the hair and hair roots require nourishment in order to sustain their normal functioning, so you need to make sure that you have the right care. Natural hair products are utilized to promote total health of the hair and are tested by many generations.
Marbo Hair is one of the hair loss products who are 100 % natural. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Hair collection stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions. For more info visit

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Marbo Products In Service Of Hair Loss Prevention

Hair loss is a condition that affects men and women equally. Since there are different causes of hair loss, there are also various treatments for it. You should see a doctor the moment you notice that you suffer from hair loss, because can be a sign of a serious medical condition. Losing hair can be a side effect of taking a prescription drug, but it is usually caused by hereditary factors. The term male pattern baldness is often used to describe this type of hair loss.

There are researches concerning alopecia ranging from the most basic studies of the mechanisms of hair growth and hair loss in mice to testing medications and ways to apply medications to help regrow hair in people. Both the National Institutes of Health and the National Alopecia Areata Foundation support research into the disease and its treatment. Alopecia can be connected to other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease (impaired function of the thyroid gland), vitiligo (condition causing depigmentation of patches of skin), rheumatoid arthritis, lupus (chronic disorder that usually affects skin, joints or kidneys), some allergic disorders and diabetes. Hair loss can be caused by emotional and mental stress, as well as trauma, relocation, death in the family, pregnancy, illness, accident or other major life changes.

Marbo Hair Care is a 100 % natural hair care made of pure herbal extracts which they have strong effect and quick results, proven over twenty years dermatological practice. These products activate growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair. These products are gentle on the skin and cause no adverse effects even after months of continuous use.

After using Marbo products, there is no greasy residue and they get absorbed quickly. Marbo Activator is one of the most successful natural preparations for treatment of Alopecia Areata and it can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Activator does not contain any drug and there are no side effects after using it. It is 100% natural formula that activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

Marbo Lotion is ideal solution for you if you wish to use a product for hair loss prevention. It is a 100% natural lotion for hair loss prevention, because it quickly stops hair loss regardless of its cause. This product is very easy to use with fast results. You will achieve the best results if you also use Marbo Shampoo 03, since it is completely natural shampoo, made of different medicinal herbs. Active ingredients full of vitamins and mineral salts stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. Sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation. In case of serious seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff, it is recommendable to use it in combination with Marbo Lotion.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Finding Out More About Alopecia Totalis

Hair loss is a common problem and it can affect anyone. There are many different types and two most serious ones are Alopecia Totalis and Alopecia Universalis. Alopecia Totalis is an auto-immune disease that causes the person to lose all scalp hair. It may begin as Alopecia Areata and later on develop into Alopecia Totalis.

Usually, Alopecia starts with as a single patch of balding hair then expand. The most severe case reflects in fast spreading of the bald patches. Scenario with the best results is when hair returns back to normal. The main cause of alopecia totalis, like all alopecia cases, is still not clearly defined. Experts and scientists have pointed out various factors, most of them revolving around genetics. Men are mostly affected with this condition, all because of high amounts of androgens present in their body.

Prevention is very important, since proper care for your hair can help you avoid serious hair problems. There are many available treatments for Alopecia Totalis including hair systems, a nonsurgical solution that has improved over the years that they provide much hope and comfort to those suffering from all types of alopecia, but you should ask for a professional opinion before using one, since many alopecia totalis treatments have certain side-effects. Some products like minodixil or caffeine can be used to stimulate blood microcirculation on the hair follicles to regain its function. Drugs such as immunomodulating agents which suppress the immune system can also be used to moderate the activity of possible autoimmune disorder. Natural hair care products are very popular these days because they do not have side effects at all.

It is not easy to be diagnosed with Alopecia Totalis. In fact, it can be very hard emotionally. Insecurity is one of the possible consequences. However, you can overcome it, it is just important to face your problem and find a way to live with it. There are many support groups, so you can join one and be surrounded by people who have the same problem as you do. You can get their support, which is very important for overcoming the negative feelings you may have. It is a good way to express hopes, fears and ways how to deal with the condition on a day to day basis. This can be very reassuring for other hair loss suffers as they begin to understand that they are not alone and there are others who also understand what they are going through.

The comforting thing about this condition is that it is not painful ad you want feel sick. Your appearance will change, but there are lots of ways to overcome the initial discomfort. There are plenty of ways for women to look stylish, since there are lots of beautiful hats and headscarves. It should be remembered it has no effect on life expectancy and it should not stop the sufferer from achieving their life goals, dreams and doing anything that a person without the condition can do. Patients should try to find out as much as they can about the condition, so they can be aware of all the aspect and possible alopecia totalis treatments.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Prevention As A Way To Maintain Your Hair Healthy

Women consider hair very important which becomes pretty clear when you think about all the hair styles and hair loss products that women like to try out and spend money on. But what happens if that same hair starts to fall out? How would you react? You wouldn't be pleased, that's for sure. Keratin is the protein that hair is made of and when follicles produce new cells, old cells appear on the surface making strings of hair. Adults usually have on their head about 100,000 - 150,000 hairs, averagely losing hundred a day. The condition when a person loses more than a hundred hairs a day, so it becomes noticeable, is called alopecia areata. There is more than one type of alopecia and it should be properly diagnosed in order to be treated.

There are some known facts about the condition. Here are some of them: for the first lesion that appears within 24 hour period, patients may experience a sensation of pain in the affected area, the scalp is usually the area that is affected but Alopecia Areata can also be present in other parts of the body. 25% of children with Alopecia Areata condition also experience ridging of the nails, 5% of Alopecia Areata patients are likely to develop a more advances condition such as total loss of hair in the head, Alopecia Totalis. Others develop Alopecia Universalis or the total loss of body hair, so the hair pull test is usually performed to determine if the particular area is actively affected or if further loss of hair can be expected. However, you need to know that people who suffer from this condition are otherwise perfectly healthy. Prevention is the key of the healthy hair that you will be satisfied with. You must keep in mind the fact that healthy hair is consistent part of the overall health, so do everything you can to improve it. Water is very important, because it helps the body to stay hydrated and help grow healthy hair. Since hair is made of protein, consumption of lean animal proteins is recommended. Alcohol causes dehydration, so you should avoid it. Even though many women consider hair coloring normal, it can in fact be one of the reasons for hair loss. Hair style can negatively influence your hair, so avoid stretching your hair by braiding very tightly since it can lead to significant hair loss as well. Find ways to reduce stress because that may lead to hair loss. Add vitamins like vitamin A, B, C and E, since every one of them can bring many benefits to your health. Vitamin A is very important for producing sebum, so without it you would have dry hair and dandruff. However, you shouldn't take too much - balance is the key. Sources of Vitamin A are Mango, Oranges, Carrots, Sweet potato and Squash. The main B vitamins that you need to focus on for hair growth are Vitamin B-6 and Folic Acid. Potatoes, cereals, Bananas, Garbanzo beans, Chicken breast, Oatmeal, Pork Loin, and roast beef contain Vitamin B-6. Folic Acid is found in cooked lentils, collard greens, chickpeas, medium papaya, frozen peas, and boiled asparagus. Vitamin C is responsible for the healthy development of collagen which is necessary for strong hair. Vitamin C can be found in Kiwi fruit, Guava, Red sweet peppers and Oranges. Vitamin E helps provide good blood circulation to the scalp by increasing the absorption of oxygen. You can find it in cereals, Almonds, Safflower Oil, Corn Oil, Soybean Oil, Turnip greens.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Male Pattern Baldness and its Causes

Male population is largely affected with hair loss, otherwise known as male pattern baldness. First symptom that appears is thinner hair. It is a concern of many people, but the good news is that the latest inventions and technologies allow finding different methods for hair regrowth for men, but before you start looking for solutions, try to understand the causes of baldness.

This type of condition is caused by male hormones when the hair follicles convert testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone. Hair follicles become more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, causing the hair follicles to shrink. Male-pattern baldness is genetically determine and this type of baldness is also known by the name androgenic alopecia, which is inherited sensitivity to the effects of androgens (male hormones) on scalp hair follicles which causes them to shrink and prevents them from producing hair normally.

Individuals in post pubertal period affected with this condition experience miniaturizing of the hair follicles, particularly on the scalp center and over the temple. After that period there are usually lots of small, fine hairs that begin to grow. This occurs due to the metabolism of testosterone by an enzyme in the hair follicle. Hair follicles over the ears and around the posterior of the scalp do not possess this enzyme so a fringe of normal hair is maintained.

Influence of androgens causes follicles in the temporal, frontal and vertex area of the scalp to show a shortening of the Anagen phase, followed by miniaturization of the hair follicles. It affects the percentage of hairs in Anagen phase and the duration of Anagen diminishes in areas affected by Androgenetic alopecia which results in shorter hairs. It is also known by the term "Hippocratic balding" and it may sometimes progress to complete baldness.

Besides this condition, there is also alopecia areata that causes hair loss only in some areas of the head. There are also severe forms of the condition, which cause hair loss from the whole head. This condition is called alopecia totalis and there is the most extreme form that includes complete hair loss from the entire body - alopecia universalis.

There are two approved male pattern baldness treatments: minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil is a solution that you apply directly to the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles. It also slows hair loss for many men, and some men grow new hair. Hair loss returns when you stop using this medicine. Finasteride is a pill that interferes with the production of a certain male hormone linked to baldness. It slows hair loss, but hair loss returns when you stop using this medicine.

The purpose of using these treatments is not just to initiate hair growth, but also to stop further hair falling. Doctors say that it is easier to maintain remaining hair than to regrow them, which leads to the importance of prevention. Watch what you eat, drink plenty of water in order for nutrients to spread and avoid smoking and other bad habits.

The use of natural hair care products alone can promote healthy growth of the hair. Hair roots are actually alive and just as like any other organs found in our body, they require nourishment in order to sustain their normal functioning. Natural hair products that are utilized to promote total health of the hair are virtually free of any side effects

Monday, May 13, 2013

Alopecia Areata Treatments Will Help You To Grow Your Hair Back

The course of Alopecia cannot be predicted, but there are many treatments that can help you. Some medical experts claim that individuals experience hair loss because they have certain deficiencies in important nutrients, while others offer studies that show that it is genetically predetermined. The best thing that an individual can do is to work on prevention and if the condition actually develops - consult with a dermatologist in order to get the right alopecia treatment.

Nutrition is very important for every individual and it is the only right way to maintain your overall health. Increased alcohol consumption has a negative effect to the hair growth because it's a diuretic, so it causes accelerated dehydration which has for a consequence dry and brittle hair. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which impacts the circulatory system and since hair grows constantly and requires constant blood supply, smoking can impact your hair growth. Protect your hair and body by taking plenty of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning of your organism. Hair loss can sometimes progress to complete baldness and even complete loss of body hair. The hair loss tends to be rather rapid and asymmetrical and is different than male pattern baldness.

Take care of your diet and avoid the food that may have negative effect. You may experience hair loss due to weakened immune system. You can improve it by consuming groceries full of vitamins will stop hair loss and initiate growth of new hair. Add food high in B-vitamins and iron like whole grains, dark leafy greens, sea vegetables, antioxidant foods, fruits such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes to your daily nutrition because it may help you a lot. Eliminate potential food allergens like dairy, gluten, corn, soy, preservatives, and food additives since it may reduce the symptoms.

Choosing the right hair loss treatment can help you significantly to grow your hair back. A great number of patients affected with Alopecia Areata grow their hair back within twelve months. You should be aware of the fact that different treatments have different effects so the decision about it should be made with great care. There are also some side-effects that you should be aware of - the most common is irritation where medication has been applied, usually of mild intensity. An increase in the anagen phase period during hair growth will increase the amount of hair that is produced.

If your child suffers from alopecia, be careful about the treatments that will be administered. It is very important to be sure that the prescribed medication is safe for use and that it can be combined with medications used to treat the thyroid condition that the patient may have. Suffering from Alopecia may not be easy for the person who suffers from it, but luckily it can be treated. People with this condition might develop all kinds of problems including withdrawal from social life, so it's important to understand that there are a lot of people around the world with the same problem. Supporting each other can be the way to deal with it and there are support groups that can help you significantly.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Understanding the Causes and Treatment Of Alopecia Universalis

A medical condition that is known by the term alopecia involves excessive hair loss. Even though it is hard for the person, fortunately it is benign and it is not life threatening. There are many different patterns that the condition can manifest itself. Diffuse alopecia areata, alopecia areata monolocularis, alopecia areata multilocularis, alopecia areata barbae, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis are types of alopecia. Two last types of alopecia - alopecia totalis and universalis are two most serious types of alopecia, which includes excessive hair loss.
Luckily, this condition is not painful and you won't feel physically sick, even though it may be emotionally devastating. A great way to deal with the condition is to join a support group where you will meet people that struggle with the same problem as you and you will find lots of useful information that will help you to overcome it.

If you wish to find out more about alopecia universalis, you should know that there are lots of information available and many studies that were conducted. One of those studies refers to a study about a family which was affected with alopecia universalis. Three consecutive generations had it and the children with the disease were otherwise healthy, without any inflammatory processes that could inhibit hair growth. Research showed very few hair follicles, they were born without eyebrows or eyelashes, without any hair in general and never developed them.

The research consists of chromosome analysis for seven affected members from the family that had this condition in order to detect any genetic similarities that would show that the disease is genetically predetermined. They found a marker at the location 8p12, persistent in all seven family members, but they were not able to determine the exact gene that was at this location. The results of the research showed that there is mutation in the "hairless" genes of all the affected individuals in the family that was studied.

Even though most of us consider hair as an important part of our image - it is not all that it does. If you get affected with alopecia universalis, you will not have the protection for your eyes, because the condition causes you to lose eyelashes which can lead to many health problems. Nose hair protects you from dust and bacteria, but without it your lungs will be directly influenced and jeopardized. It is not the way that we think about our hair, but it has a protective purpose. Alopecia Universalis is unpredictable, so it may be short-termed or remain permanently.

You can fight hair loss with many different hair loss products, but you should be careful when choosing one for yourself. There are many advantages of using herbal hair loss shampoos and they have several advantages over commercial ones - they are easy to procure, inexpensive, and safe since they are natural and have no side effects. Consult with a doctor about the possible treatments and be persistent, because it is the only way to see results.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thyroid Disorder As Cause For Hair Loss

Hair loss is common problem and it can happen to anyone. There is more than one type of hair loss type. Thyroid alopecia areata is a type of alopecia that is caused by a thyroid disorder or disease. Hair may be lost in a localized area (monolocularis) or in several areas on the head (multilocularis). The thyroid gland may begin to produce excess hormones. Autoimmune diseases tend to produce antibodies which attack body tissues or themselves. Examples of such antibodies include antithyroid antibodies. Treating the thyroid disease does not mean hair loss is treated also, so you should consult with a doctor to find the right treatment.
The treatments differ and may have some side-effects that you should know about. The most common is irritation where medication has been applied, usually of mild intensity. Hair growth can be noticed in a relatively short period of time. An increase in the anagen phase period during hair growth will increase the amount of hair that is produced. There are many known cases where there has been total recovery of hair. A doctor can determine the severity of the disease in order to prescribe the right medication for treatment. There are some medications that should not be administered on children, since it is very important to be sure that the prescribed medication is safe for use and that it can be combined with medications used to treat the thyroid condition that the patient may have.

The thyroid gland is so important because it is responsible for releasing signals in the form of hormones that trigger the production of keratin by keratinocytes in hair follicles, as well as the melanocytes to start secreting melanin. This causes a type of baldness that is called alopecia areata or simply hair loss on any part of the body. The actual cause of this condition is not fully understood and it has also been linked to autoimmune disorders.

Vitamins are very important for treating hair loss, because supplying your body with plenty of vitamins will initiate hair growth. Vitamin A is an antioxidant which plays a role in the production of sebum on the scalp, so you should add groceries that contain plenty of it or take it as a supplement. Vitamin B2 is also very beneficial for treating this kind of condition. It is stored in little quantities in the body so you need to take additional supplements. The vitamin is necessary in the use of oxygen and metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and carbohydrates which all play important roles in hair growth, so hair loss may be caused by vitamin deficiency. Vitamin B6 is involved in the formation of melanin and is also involved in the reduction of stress in the nervous system.

Some treatments include drugs such as finasteride, avodart, and minoxidil. The use helps target the hair follicle, improve oxygen supply to the hair follicle, and inhibit enzymes that promote the formation of compounds that cause the loss of hair. If the extent of hair loss is severe, hair transplant surgery may also be considered. All these methods of hair replacement will only prove effective if the body is supplied with proper nourishment.

Natural products are known as herbal treatments for hair loss and one of the major advantages of these products is the zero risk for side effects. When compared to chemically formulated products, these products are safe to use.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Most Frequent Causes Of Hair Loss And Male Pattern Baldness

Many people experience hair loss due to many different reasons. It can be caused by many different things like heredity or everyday stress, inadequate nutrition or the hair style that can damage your hair follicles. The doctor determines the treatment depending on the cause. The condition of the patient can be improved with changes in nutrition, by adding certain vitamins that can help to initiate hair growth or by changing hair style in order to avoid any further damages. This condition is also known as alopecia and it can sometimes progress to complete baldness and even complete loss of body hair. In that case the condition is known by the name alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. The hair loss tends to be rapid and asymmetrical and it differs from male pattern baldness.

Your everyday nutrition should contain enough vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth. If your immune system gets weaker than usual you will probably notice increased hair loss. The condition you are in can significantly improve with consuming groceries full of vitamins, because it will stop hair loss and initiate growth of new hair. Include food high in B-vitamins and iron like whole grains, dark leafy greens, sea vegetables, antioxidant foods, fruits such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes because they may help you achieve this goal. Avoid potential food allergens like dairy, gluten, corn, soy, preservatives, and food additives since it may reduce the symptoms.

The triggers that usually cause hair loss are increased physical and emotional stress or high fever. It causes the transition of hairs from anagen to telogen phase. Telogen Effluvium is a condition caused by a systemic shock to the body and it can involve using birth control pills or a surgery. Individuals usually notice the hair loss about three months after it's triggered, so many times it is not possible to know for sure what was the reason of hair loss. The treatments differ depending on the condition and the type of hair loss. Many people choose natural ones, because there are no side-effects, so they are safe for use. Before making this decision, take all the facts into consideration, including differences of hair loss types and the degree of hair loss. You shouldn't make this decision yourself, but ask for a professional opinion about it.

Male population is usually affected with male pattern baldness. Factors that can cause hair loss besides genetics are side effects from medications, hormones, stress and diseases. A doctor can run all of the necessary tests to figure out if there is a serious medical condition that could be contributing to your hair loss. Thinner hair is usually the first symptom of male pattern baldness. This condition is basically a state when hair starts to fall where they normally grow and it is otherwise called androgenic alopecia. This is maybe the most common type of baldness and it usually affects adult males. It can be manifested in different forms.

For more information on natural hair loss treatment you can visit Marbo Hair and choose product that will help you in alopecia fight.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Protecting Your Hair With Prevention

Hair loss is a problem that affects lots of people around the world and it should be taken seriously, because it can affect person on many different levels. Affected with this problem, a person may start to shy away from people which may lead to some serious problems like depression. Scientists work constantly on finding solutions for this condition.

When a person starts noticing excessive hair loss, the cause should be determined. However, this is not easy because there are many possible reasons for it: thyroid diseases, low levels of iron in your body, and prescriptive drugs given for arthritis and heart disease. Hair loss may also affect women who take birth control pills, as well as after giving birth. Thyroid alopecia areata is a type of alopecia that is caused by a thyroid disorder or disease.

This condition can occur at any age. A high percentage of people with thyroid diseases develop alopecia areata. In alopecia areata, the hair is lost in patches on the scalp. Hair may be lost in a localized area (monolocularis) or in several areas on the head (multilocularis). The best thing you can do for your hair is to work on prevention. There are many different ways for it and one of it is hygiene - your hair and scalp should be always clean. The water you are washing your hair with shouldn't be too hot. Be gentle to your hair, don't brush it too much. Oil massage is very good for your scalp, so use coconut oil or almond oil for your scalp. Protect your hair with the proper conditioner.

Once the hair loss is evident, you should consult with a doctor about the treatment that should be administered. Hair loss can be mild and severe.
Mild hair loss affects less than half of the head. In some cases, hair growth may restart without treatment. However, it can be treated by a gluco-corticoid injection on the scalp every 4 to 6 weeks. This type of hair loss treatment should not to be administered to children below the age of 12. There is the Anthralin topical cream which can be applied on a daily basis on the affected area. Minoxidil 5% is a topical medicine that also treats the mild alopecia areata.

Since hair is made from protein, hair growth gets enhanced with the inclusion of lean animal proteins and other forms of healthy protein to your diet. Proteins are major source of energy so they can contribute to your hair and nail growth - therefore protein deficiency can cause extensive hair loss. Maintain a healthy diet with the variety of different foods to get all of the different nutrients you need for healthy hair. You will get the most nutrients if you eat the vegetables raw, since some of the valuable vitamins and minerals may be lost due to cooking. If you don't like your vegetables raw try steaming them using a good steamer, you will achieve the same result.

Many people choose natural hair loss products over the standard medical treatments, since they are safe and effective for treating hair loss problems. Marbo Products are made of herbs, which is why they give strong and fast results, all of them influencing the blood circulation and providing proper care for the scalp, leading to hair growth.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Even Children May Experience Hair Loss

Alopecia areata or hair loss can affect anyone. The condition is usually manifested in the form of patches or boldness on the entire head or even body. Alopecia Areata Universalis is a form of the disease when the hair from all over the body is lost. Alopecia is also known by the name "spot baldness". It's autoimmune disease, when the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks hair follicles, causing its decline. Sadly, even children can be affected with hair loss. The condition can be determined by a pediatrician or a pediatric dermatologist. These causes are related to children that are 26 months old or older.

Hair Loss Types That Your Child May Be Affected With

There are several reasons for hair loss in children and one of those reasons can be Trichotillomania. This condition is caused by the child's pulling, plucking, twisting, or rubbing hair. The hair loss occurs in patches and it's characterized by broken hairs of varying length. These patches are typically seen on the side of the child's dominant hand. Hair loss can also be caused by Tinea capitis, which is the term used for ringworm of the scalp. It is a fungal infection often seen in children and there are many ways that it can appear, but often as scaly patches of hair loss on the head. The patches are usually round or oval and the hairs may be broken off at the surface of the skin and look like black dots on the scalp.

A microscopic examination can confirm the diagnosis of the cause is really Tinea capitis. Children hair loss treatment usually involves an oral antifungal, used for a while and the antifungal shampoo such as selenium sulfide or ketoconazole to decrease shedding of the fungus should be used. Ringworm is contagious, so you should be careful about the objects that touch the head such as hats, pillow cases, hair clippers, or brushes.

On the other hand, Alopecia areata is not contagious, but it can be caused by different things, so it may be hard to determine how to stop it. It is thought to be caused by the body's immune system attacking the hair follicles. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of round or oval patches of hair loss. The patches are slick or smooth, without scaling or broken hairs. About 25% of children also have pitting and ridging of the nails.

A condition which may cause hair loss in infants is called cradle cap. It mainly affects infants between the ages of two to six months, causing a crusty, scaling scalp rash. Cradle cap often clears up within several months when left untreated. It can cause itching and hair loss in severe cases and may also spread to other areas of the body.

The good news is that about half of patients affected with hair loss grow back their hair in one year. Only 10% have a more serious condition, when the hair follicles do not form the hair again. There are some treatments available, prescribed according to the condition of the patient. Natural products are known as herbal hair loss treatment and one of the major advantages of these products is the zero risk for side effects. When compared to chemically formulated products, these products are safe to use.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hair Loss That Men Suffer From

Hair loss is a condition that affects men and women equally, but most of us know more about male hair loss. It can happen in the childhood, after puberty or after 30 years of age. Male hair loss has three stages. The first one includes the process when the affected hair follicles on the scalp gradually becomes smaller than normal and as the follicle shrinks, each new hair is thinner than the previous one, before falling out.

If the hair loss is caused by alopecia, men will lose their hair extensively. Hair loss is sometimes associated with other health issues such as coronary heart disease and enlargement of the prostate, as well as disorders of insulin resistance like diabetes and obesity and high blood pressure. Men usually notice hair loss after puberty, because that's the time when serum androgen levels raise above the low level. Most men have some type of baldness by the time they are in their 60s, but the age when the hair loss starts is variable.

It is good to find out as much as you can about the hair cycle and the possible hair loss causes, since it will be easier for you to fight it. Hair cycle lasts three years approximately. When affected with some kind of imbalance, the size of hair follicles changes, so the thin stump of hair stops growing out to the skin surface. The follicles in the temporal, frontal and vertex area of the scalp get shorter in the Anagen phase, followed by miniaturization of the hair follicles. It affects the percentage of hairs in Anagen phase and the duration of Anagen diminishes in areas affected by Androgenetic alopecia which results in shorter hairs. People affected with classic pattern baldness loose hair in a well-defined pattern, with hair loss beginning above both temples and thinning of the hair at the crown of the head. It is also known by the term "Hippocratic balding" and it may sometimes progress to complete baldness.

Male baldness is known also as androgenic alopecia, since inherited sensitivity to the effects of androgens (male hormones) on scalp hair follicles causes them to shrink and prevents them from producing hair normally. After puberty, hair follicles in the center of the scalp and over the temple of the individuals that get affected with this condition begin to miniaturize, producing small, fine hairs which are difficult to see. Hair follicles over the ears and around the posterior of the scalp do not possess this enzyme so some portion of normal hair is maintained.

Male pattern baldness is a hereditary form of hair loss. Factors that cause hair loss besides genetics are side effects from medications, hormones, stress and diseases. The good news is that it can often be reversed in a relatively short period of time. It is also important that you speak with a doctor if you happen to notice a significant amount of hair shedding. Your doctor can run all of the necessary tests to figure out if there is a serious medical condition that could be contributing to your hair loss.

Hair Loss That Men Suffer From

Hair loss is a condition that affects men and women equally, but most of us know more about male hair loss. It can happen in the childhood, after puberty or after 30 years of age. Male hair loss has three stages. The first one includes the process when the affected hair follicles on the scalp gradually becomes smaller than normal and as the follicle shrinks, each new hair is thinner than the previous one, before falling out.

If the hair loss is caused by alopecia, men will lose their hair extensively. Hair loss is sometimes associated with other health issues such as coronary heart disease and enlargement of the prostate, as well as disorders of insulin resistance like diabetes and obesity and high blood pressure. Men usually notice hair loss after puberty, because that's the time when serum androgen levels raise above the low level. Most men have some type of baldness by the time they are in their 60s, but the age when the hair loss starts is variable.

It is good to find out as much as you can about the hair cycle and the possible hair loss causes, since it will be easier for you to fight it. Hair cycle lasts three years approximately. When affected with some kind of imbalance, the size of hair follicles changes, so the thin stump of hair stops growing out to the skin surface. The follicles in the temporal, frontal and vertex area of the scalp get shorter in the Anagen phase, followed by miniaturization of the hair follicles. It affects the percentage of hairs in Anagen phase and the duration of Anagen diminishes in areas affected by Androgenetic alopecia which results in shorter hairs. People affected with classic pattern baldness loose hair in a well-defined pattern, with hair loss beginning above both temples and thinning of the hair at the crown of the head. It is also known by the term "Hippocratic balding" and it may sometimes progress to complete baldness.

Male baldness is known also as androgenic alopecia, since inherited sensitivity to the effects of androgens (male hormones) on scalp hair follicles causes them to shrink and prevents them from producing hair normally. After puberty, hair follicles in the center of the scalp and over the temple of the individuals that get affected with this condition begin to miniaturize, producing small, fine hairs which are difficult to see. Hair follicles over the ears and around the posterior of the scalp do not possess this enzyme so some portion of normal hair is maintained.

Male pattern baldness is a hereditary form of hair loss. Factors that cause hair loss besides genetics are side effects from medications, hormones, stress and diseases. The good news is that it can often be reversed in a relatively short period of time. It is also important that you speak with a doctor if you happen to notice a significant amount of hair shedding. Your doctor can run all of the necessary tests to figure out if there is a serious medical condition that could be contributing to your hair loss.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Importance Of Hair Loss Prevention

Hair loss cannot be predicted, because it can be caused by many different things. However, you can protect your hair and body by taking plenty of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning of your organism. Hair loss can sometimes progress to complete baldness and even loss of body hair. The hair loss tends to be rather rapid and asymmetrical and is different than male pattern baldness.

Marbo Hair is natural collection that promotes noticeably thicker, fuller and healthier looking hair.Adding the right kind of food to your everyday meals may provide enough vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth. When your feel that your immune system is weaker than usual you can also start noticing that your hair falls more than you are used to. Luckily, consuming groceries full of vitamins will stop hair loss and initiate growth of new hair. Include food high in B-vitamins and iron like whole grains, dark leafy greens, sea vegetables, antioxidant foods, fruits such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes because they may help you achieve this goal. Eliminate potential food allergens like dairy, gluten, corn, soy, preservatives, and food additives since it may reduce the symptoms.

Some cultures take more care about the quality of food they eat more than others and it is a normal way of life, but there are others as well that don't take care as much. Having a proper nutritional diet that will produce much needed nutrients in our hair, eating foods rich in fiber, protein and vitamin C helps lessen the possibility of hair loss. Medical experts agree that hair loss occurs on individuals with certain deficiencies in some important nutrients. Excessive alcohol consumption has a negative effect to the hair growth because it's a diuretic, so it causes accelerated dehydration. A lack of body fluid causes dry and brittle hair. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which impacts the circulatory system. Hair grows constantly and hence requires constant blood supply. As smoking impedes this supply, hair loss occurs as a result, so try to stop smoking.

Being proactive is very important for preventing hair loss, because this way you can avoid potential emotional disorders that the condition may cause. Prevention includes good hair hygiene, regular shampooing, and good nutrition. Try not to wash your hair with the water that is too hot, use mild shampoo, avoid brushing your hair too much, do the oil massage from time to time and use conditioner after washing your hair.

Appropriate treatment will help you a lot. A great number of patients affected with Alopecia Areata grow their hair back within twelve months. Maintain health of your hair, because it is also important. Hair Loss treatments defer and they will depend on the person's age and the type of the condition. Hair loss can be difficult, mostly because society perceives hair as a sign of good health and for women as a symbol of femininity and sexuality. People with this condition might develop social phobia and have problems in relationships, so it's important to understand that there are a lot of people around the world with the same problem. Supporting each other can be the way to deal with it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Few Herbs That Are Highly Beneficial

Hair loss, otherwise known as Alopecia Areata, is a disorder that is very unpredictable and inconsistent. Lots of people get affected with it at some point in their lives. There are many hair loss treatments available and they have changed during the last decade. This condition causes hair loss from all areas of the body in form of patches, mostly from the scalp and it is also known by the name spot baldness.

Natural hair care products can enhance hair growth, because they have necessary ingredients needed for normal functioning and nourishing hair roots. In addition, benefits of the natural hair care products refer also to improving hair texture and shine. The overall hair appearance improves. Natural hair products consist of herbs that promote hair growth such as Nettle Root, Red Pepper, Aloe Vera, Green Tea, Rosemary and Garlic. They also have other benefits and can solve other scalp problems. Here are some:

- Aloe Vera has been widely used for centuries by Indian tribes in South America. They realized that aloe vera significantly improves hair thickness, making it healthy. Apply aloe vera by rubbing it into your scalp every night. Aloe vera has an enzyme called superoxide dismutane. That, plus its ability to trigger the formation of nitric oxide, will stimulate hair growth in people who have male pattern baldness.
- Nettle Root is very helpful in fighting hair loss. If you cannot find it in its natural form, you can buy it in pill or capsule form. Nettle root contains lipids and minerals will enhance your hair follicles and significantly encourage hair regrowth.
- Red Pepper is a skin irritant that will promote the release of histamine, which is a protein involved in allergic reactions. If you apply red pepper flesh to your scalp, it will stimulate the cells, draw blood and nutrients to the scalp area, which will result with hair regrowth.

Add certain groceries like chicken and fish, because it will provide your body with necessary nutrients. You need to maintain a certain protein levels in order to have normal hair growth and strength. The Omega-3 fatty acids available in food like this help with stopping inflammation on the scalp. Inflammation will block the nutrients from flowing into the hair shafts. Try adding following supplements to your diet: a multivitamin daily, containing the antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, because they all help with hair growth stimulation and stop hair loss.

Since natural products are made mostly of herbs, they do not have side-effects and stimulate hair growth in a natural way. Chemicals found in some hair products can do more harm than they can actually help. When compared to chemically formulated products, these products are safe to use. Another advantage of getting natural hair loss treatments is that it is actually cheaper than surgical procedures. There is simply no need to spend thousands of dollars just to ensure the growth of hair from the scalp.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Treating Hair Loss With The Right Nutrition

Hair loss usually occurs very fast and often unexpected, but there are some things you can do in order to improve your hair and stop hair lossNutrition is highly important and you should change the food you consume in order to improve your overall condition and induce hair growth. Main solution for hair loss is having a proper nutritional diet that will produce much needed nutrients in our hair, eating foods rich in fiber, protein and vitamin C helps lessen the possibility of hair loss. A healthy diet can be rightfully considered to be an effective hair loss solution. However, before you start your fight with hair loss, you should first treat the cause and only after the consequence, since hair loss can be connected with some illness, imbalance of immune system, hormones, trauma, stress and medications that you use.

Balanced nutrition consists of consuming antioxidant foods, fruits like blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes, vegetables like squashes and peppers, avoiding refined foods such as white breads, pastas, and sugar, consuming less red meats and more lean meats, cold water fish, tofu or beans for protein, avoiding coffee and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco, drinking 6 - 8 glasses of filtered water daily and exercising at least 30 minutes daily, 5 days a week can help reduce the symptoms of hair loss.

You should take enough vitamin B, especially Vitamin B-6 and Folic Acid, since they prevent hair loss. B-6 vitamin is can be found in potatoes, cereals, Bananas, Garbanzo beans, Chicken breast, Oatmeal, Pork Loin, and roast beef. Folic Acid is found in cooked lentils, collard greens, chickpeas, medium papaya, frozen peas, and boiled asparagus. You can enhance blood circulation by taking in Vitamin E, because it increases the absorption of oxygen. Vitamin E can be found in cereals, Almonds, Safflower Oil, Corn Oil, Soybean Oil, Turnip greens.

In addition, Vitamin C is important for the healthy development of collagen, which is crucial for strong hair. Consume Kiwi fruit, Guava, Red sweet peppers and Oranges, because they are rich with Vitamin C. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can help decrease inflammation. Fish oils may increase bleeding in sensitive individuals, such as those taking blood thinning mediations. Many hair loss shampoos and conditioners contain protein. Manufacturers add it because hair itself is made of protein, so they are necessary in order to repair the damages. This should not be the main ingredient of your diet, but its importance should not be ignored.

There was a study where volunteers added 14g of gelatine daily to their diets. The thickness of individual hair strands increased 45 per cent in only two months. As you can see, the diet can influence both hair growth and quality and gelatine has exhibited one of the highest specific dynamic effects of any food or supplement. A strong hair is a healthy hair, the study noted that the gelatine induced increases in the diet constituted an improvement in the mechanical properties of the hair, including strength. When the volunteers stopped eating the gelatine, their hair returned to its original diameter within six months.

Visit Marbo Hair website for more relevant articles about hair loss and alopecia treatment on natural basic and dermatology proven products.

Monday, February 18, 2013

First Signs That You Have Alopecia

There is probably no one in this world that didn't have hair problems at least once in a lifetime. The reasons for this are many - from changes in hormone levels to life style. The first sign is usually excessive hair loss. That can stop after a while without any other major problems, but sometimes it progresses to a severe condition, when first patches start appearing. People usually seek help when hair loss becomes obvious. The condition can initiate any time, often without warning. It can affect any surface on the body covered with hair, most often scalp.

If the condition progresses to larger bald surfaces, this condition evolves to alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. Development begins slowly and it affects not only the place where the hair fell off but the hair around it, making it week and brittle. Anyone can be affected with this condition, it can develop at any age and it's not gender specific. While some people won't have any other problems besides hair loss, others can experience itching, pricking, pain or burning in the afflicted area.

Men are usually affected with patchy hair loss in the beard area. When the inflammation stops, hair starts growing again. The trickiest part of the condition is that no one can know whether this condition is going to repeat or not. People who didn't have hair problems might not think that is can cause any issues, but the condition alters the image a person has, affecting a person's self-esteem. It causes anxiety and insecurity to the people who have it.

Hair loss that progresses over time and causes bald spots is categorized as cicatricial alopecia, causing even scaling, redness, itching, burning and pain in some cases. There are two types: primary cicatricial alopecia and secondary cicatricial alopecia. The first one is caused by inflammation of hair follicles around the sebaceous gland. When this gland gets destroyed hair regrowth is impossible. The second type is caused by burns, radiation and skin infections. Biopsy is the only way to determine for sure that the condition is actually cicatricial alopecia. It will show the condition your scalp is in. Treatment for primary cicatricial alopecia depends on the classification: lymphocytic, neutrophils and mixed inflammatory cells.

Hair loss treatments are different, so lymphocytic cicatricial alopecia gets treated with anti-inflammatory medications which are used to irradiate or minimize the lymphocytic inflammatory cells that attack hair follicles. Neutrophils are treated in order to rid microbes that inflame the area. Oral or topical antibiotics are mostly used. Treatment for the mixed group of cicatricial alopecia consists of antimicrobials and anti-inflammatories. Some conditions get resolved without treatments but there are people who are not that lucky, so they need to be persistent. The result depends on the degree, the type of the condition and the reaction of the body. If you have problem with accepting the consequences of this condition, there are support groups that can make your situation much easier, since the conversation with the people that have the same problem as you do can bring you a completely new perspective.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Are You Familiar With Circatricial Alopecia?

Hair loss is not an uncommon condition, since it affects 2% of the world population. This condition affects the skin, when immune system attacks hair follicles resulting with small, round patches of hair loss that can grow back or spread on the whole head or sometimes on the entire body, this affects 5% of Alopecia Areata patients. Everyone can be affected, man and women equally. Alopecia mainly causes discomfort, because people affected with this condition usually don't suffer from other diseases. It can have strong psychological impact caused by the new image due to condition, resulting in lower self-esteem.

Generally, alopecia is divided into two main groups: scarring alopecia and non-scarring alopecia. Non-scarring alopecia often involves alopecia variants where the hair falls off without inflammation or scarring. If a dermatologist tugs some hair and it comes out easily, a person mostly likely has non-scarring alopecia. Non-scarring alopecia often heals on its own. Hair reproduction usually continues when a pre-existing condition has already been taken care of.

Circatricial alopecia, which is a type of scarring alopecia, refers to a group of rare hair disorders resulting from a condition that damages the scalp and hair follicle. The disorders destroy the hair follicle and replace the follicles with a scar tissue consequently causing permanent hair loss. Conditions associated with circatricial alopecia include autoimmune diseases such as discoid lupus erythematosus, scalp trauma, infections such as tuberculosis and syphilis, and radiation therapy. It affects both adults and children, and may present as primary or secondary circatricial alopecia. It presupposes constant destruction of hair follicles and their replacement by connecting tissue. Cicatrices usually are not as visible as in case of healing wounds and they result in disappearance of apertures of hair follicles and the scalp becomes smooth and brilliant. The skin can remain soft and elastic though sometimes there may be callosities.

If a patient suffers from alopecia areata, treatment is generally out-patient or it can be carried out in dermatological hospital (when hair loss process is extensive and prolonged). Vitamins A, E, C, H are used, as well as nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acids, preparations of furocoumarin, sedatives means, ACTH (drenocorticotropic hormones) and glucocorticoids in such cases. Rosental paste, alcoholic and etheric solutions with addition of sulfur, salicylic acid, tincture of siliculose pepper are applied. Also irradiation by UV-beams or photochemotherapy is sometimes used in course of therapy. Among physiotherapeutic means used in alopecia treatment are d'arsonvalization, cryotherapy with snow of carbonic acid, cryomassage and massage with electrobrush.

If a person gets affected with hair loss, doctors usually recommend vitamin or iron supplements. Dietary supplements like Vitamin E, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Gelatin and VitaminB3 are famous for reducing falling of hair, promoting its re-growth, and supporting the immune system in the case of alopecia. The treatment will depend on the person's age and the type of the condition. Hair loss can be difficult, mostly because society perceives hair as a sign of good health and for women as a symbol of femininity and sexuality.

If you want to know more about natural alopecia treatment visit this page.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Enhance Hair Growth With Onion Juice

Hair loss, medically called Alopecia Areata, is a condition when a person losses hair in the form of patches or experiences more severe forms, like loss of hair from the entire scalp or body. Fortunately, it is not followed by pain, itches or hives and it's not contagious. It is a skin disease because it affects the largest organ of the body. However, it has a major effect on the human psyche and it's experienced as a trauma. It can occur at any age, and affects males and females equally.

Generally, many people that have experienced hair loss at least once in their life have heard about onion juice treatment. As you probably already know, onion is pretty valuable natural remedy, having many benefits:

- It is a potent source of folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, iron. The smaller the onions, the more pungent they are.
-High amounts of sulphur in onions make them particularly effective in regenerating hair follicles and stimulating hair regrowth.
- A study has shown that applying onion juice on scalp twice a week for 2 months will cause hair re-growth.
-Onion is a powerful anti-septic that is rich in vitamins A, B and C.
-Naturally-concentrated sulphur compounds have been proven to show additional hair-restoring and even anti-carcinogenic properties.
-It is effective in treating dandruff, itchy scalp, and excessive sebum production.
-The antibacterial action of onions helps clean the scalp from disease-causing bacteria and fungi.

Onion can help with restoring hair follicles and improving scalp circulation, which means that it can help alopecia areata patients grow new, strong hair. When preparing the onion for hair loss, you should peel off the skin from the onions and cut the onions into chunks, place the onion chunks into the juicer, a few at a time. Juice the onions, taking the time to clean out the juicer periodically so it does not clog up, transfer the onion juice to a glass jar for storage, and store any extra onion juice in the refrigerator. It's important to stress that before using the onion juice on your skin, you should shake the jar and pour the amount you will be using into a glass and allow it to warm up to room temperature. Apply the juice to the affected areas of your skin by putting on the gloves and dipping a sterile cotton ball into the onion juice. Repeat this process twice a day.

You can expect first results within few weeks. To keep the onion juice for hair loss treatment as fresh and effective as possible, make it in small batches to eliminate storage time and prolonged shelf life. Avoid warming the onion juice on the stove or in a microwave, as heating it can damage the compounds in it that are responsible for hair growth. Stopping loss of the hair crucial first step in combating progressive hair loss as it allows men and women to keep their own original hair, this is why prevention is highly important.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Alopecia Barbae - Condition That Affects Male Population

Alopecia Barbae - Condition That Affects Male Population

Alopecia barbae is a type of hair loss in the beard area. It is not caused by fungal infections or other infections of the skin. On the other hand, fungal infections can cause hair loss, usually in a circular pattern and often with a crusting lesion in the middle, so before calling it alopecia or alopecia barbae, it is important to rule out fungus and also other causes such as trauma caused by hair pulling.
If the diagnosis is alopecia areata, the treatments are prescribed accordingly. Alopecia Areta is an autoimmune condition in which the body's own immune cells attack the hair follicles causing hair loss. Minoxidil, which stimulates hair growth, has been used with some effect. Other topical immune agents such as tacrolimus cream may be used for small spots. The important thing is not to choose the treatment yourself, but to see the dermatologist first to get a definitive diagnosis.
Having Alopecia Barbae can be very stressful, especially for people who have their beard and consider it to be a part of their personal image. Seeing patches of hair missing can be a shocking experience. The main concern of the men affected is how they are going to be perceived in the society, if they are going to be seen as less healthy and desirable and it can cause great amount of stress.
Alopecia Barbae is a relatively rare kind of alopecia. Just about 2% of men experience a kind of alopecia areata where hair falls out in sporadic areas. It usually occurs that men who experience patches of facial hair loss, experience it again at another point in time, though the alopecia barbae form of alopecia does not indicate or boost your probability for other varieties of alopecia or hair loss.
There has been a research that made scientists believe that it is genetically predetermined, so people who have someone in the family suffering from this condition are more likely to have it themselves. Patches appear very quickly. At first you might not even pay attention to it. Most people get worried later on when the patch gets bigger. Early detection gives you higher chance of growing your beard back.
Some natural home remedies can help to stimulate hair growth. You should pay attention to your diet and live a healthy lifestyle. Start consuming foods that are rich in protein and iron and exercise regularly. This will help your body cope with stress.
Marbo Activator is one of the most effective natural products against alopecia areata and hair loss in patches in the world. The reason why Marbo Activator is so effective lies in its ingredients: Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) extract, Nettle (Urtica Dioica) Extract, Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Extract, Walnut (Juglans Regia) Seed Extract, Garlic (Allium Sativum) Extract, Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla) Extract, Birch (Betula Alba) Leaf Extract, White Willow (Salix Alba) Extract, Burdock (Arctium Lappa) Leaf Extract, Ivy (Hedera Helix) Leaf Extract.