Thyroid Alopecia Areata is a type of alopecia that is caused by a thyroid disorder or disease. Like all other types of alopecia, it is not limited to any age or sex. High percentage of people who have any problem with thyroid gland will be affected with some type of alopecia areata. It is usually hair loss in the form of patches on the scalp. Hair may be lost in a localized area (monolocularis) or in several areas on the head (multilocularis).
The reason for it is because thyroid gland might start producing excess hormones in diseases like the Graves' disease. Hyperthyroidism can be autoimmune like the Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Autoimmune diseases occur, because body produces antibodies which attack the body tissue, causing hair falling, among other things. Examples of such antibodies include antithyroid antibodies. Treating the thyroid disease, won’t mean that hair loss is treated also. Thyroid Alopecia Areata can be treated separately and effectively depending on the extent and age.
There are topical creams, injections and pills that can be used as a tretmant for hair loss. The extent of hair loss is grouped into mild and severe. Mild hair loss affects less than half of the head. In some cases, hair may grow back without treatment. However, it can be treated by a gluco-corticoid injection on the scalp every 4 to 6 weeks. This type of treatment should not be applied to children younger than the age of 12. There is the Anthralin topical cream which can be applied on a daily basis on the affected area. Minoxidil 5% is a topical medicine that also treats the mild alopecia areata.
Persons with severe form of hair loss, covering more than 50% of the head, can use combination medication. The combinations of Minoxidil and Anthralin as well as Minoxidil and Gluco-cortisone have proven to be successful in treating advanced and resistant alopecia areata. Squaric acid dibutylester can also be used and is safe for use on children. Cyclosporine is another type of medication. It works by inhibiting the action of certain lymphocytes which produce antibodies.
It’s important to note that all treatments have certain side effects that you should be aware of. The most common is irritation where medication has been applied, usually of mild intensity. The result can be seen in a relatively short time and hair growth will be stimulated. An increase in the anagen phase period during hair growth will increase the amount of hair that is produced. People affected may need to undergo counseling, since the disease can cause stress and consequently has adverse effects on the health and may worsen the condition.
Having Thyroid Alopecia Areata should be taken seriously, but not as much to jeopardize your social life. It can be treated. There are many known cases where there has been total recovery of hair. A doctor can determine the severity of the disease and prescribe appropriate medication. There are some medications that should not be used by children and it is important to ensure that the prescribed medication will not do any harm.
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