Anti Hair Loss Shampoos As a Treatment Option
Alopecia Areata is a condition where the main symptom is hair falling. It can occur in various forms: leaving bold patches on the head, entire head without any strand or can even leave complete body hairless – which is the most severe form of the condition. It can affect both genders at any age.
Alopecia areata , especially when it is presented in a more severe form can be a cause of stress and withdrawal of the person from its social life. The effects are different - women can be stressed even more than men, since the hair is considered to be a symbol of beauty, causing all kinds of psychological problems due to the changed self-image. Affected people may experience anxiety, social phobia and even depression. Family and social support are highly important in helping those people cope and deal with the condition.
There are various treatments available, so the most important step is to consult with a doctor who will determine the right one for you. Some of them are: topical Minoxidil, steroid injections applied to the affected area and steroid creams. Your doctor might even prescribe you a combination of two treatments, depending on the condition.
It is important to know that there are side- effects of every treatment. Treatment based on herbs can be a good start in testing remedies, since there are no consequences you might regret.
Anti Hair loss shampoo is the most inexpensive hair loss remedy. There are many shampoos available on the market, specially designed to treat hair loss. Using an anti hair loss shampoo for preventive reasons is especially effective, since this might not be enough if you are affected with a severe falling hair condition.
Shampoo for Alopecia work on the external treating hair falling, which means it will treat external part of the problem. It will help hair grow, since if affects hair strands and scalp. There are few ingredients that are proven to be helpful, like tea tree oil and essential oils. Tea tree oil promotes circulation, so the increased blood flow nourishes your hair and allows it to grow. Lavender is the essential oil that is mostly used in shampoos, since it can be used for various purposes. One of them is certainly nourishing the roots, preventing thinning hair.
Nettle is known as a herb that can be used for treating alopecia, stopping excessive hair falling as well as dandruff and stimulate hair growth. It is also known by its anti fungal and anti bacterial potency, recommended by the experts and dermatologists.
There is a shampoo, called Marbo Shampoo that works against hair loss. It contains herbal ingredients from different medicinal herbs with active ingredients, full of vitamins and mineral salts, which can stimulate local circulation and consequently hair root renewal. Sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation. In case of serious seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff, it can be used in a combination with Marbo Lotion.
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