It is very important to be proactive in preventing hair loss as this condition causes emotional disorders and physical havoc in an individual. Prevention includes good hair hygiene, regular shampooing, and good nutrition. Try not to wash your hair with the water that is too hot, use mild shampoo, avoid brushing your hair too much, do the oil massage from time to time and use conditioner after washing your hair.
Taking care of your nutrition can be of great help. Eat food that contains grains, beans, nuts and seeds; the one rich with calcium, such as tofu, soy products, nuts, nut milks, soymilk and certain leafy greens; healthy fats like olive oil, canola oil, walnuts, flax seed and hemp seed; omega-3 fatty acids, found in herring, mackerel, trout, sardines, tuna and salmon; fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins B, A, C and E as well as antioxidants are vital to increase circulation and oxygenation of the blood.; vitamin B rich foods, like nuts, carrots, chard, romaine lettuce and tomatoes; lean meats including chicken and fish and other protein sources such as nuts and drink lots of water to help the body stay hydrated and help grow healthy hair.
There are several treatments for alopecia :
• Corticosteroid shots that are injected directly into the bald spot. The treatment is effective but also painful. The aim of this approach is to suppress the autoimmune reaction but it has been proven to work only on small bald spots.
• Treatment for small bald spots is the application of topical anthralin. Anthralin is a tar-like substance used to treat psoriasis.
• Topical immunotherapy is the form of treatment for extensive alopecia areata that is most common. It consists of usage of immunosuppressant such as cyclosporine, that causes a skin reaction similar to mild eczema, which in some cases may lead to regrowth of hair. It’s the most drastic form of treatment,that causes an array of negative side effects.
• PUVA - psoralen plus ultraviolet A radiation consists of a topical or oral application of psoralen, followed by ultraviolet radiation. This method is better tolerated than topical immunotherapy but is also less effective.
Mild shampoos and lotions that are 100% made from different medicinal herbs so it can activate growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. Sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation. Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, and benefiting your hair so it becomes firmer and healthier. It quickly stops hair loss regardless of its cause.
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