Hair Loss and Kids
Alopecia areata is a hair loss condition that causes the rapid onset of round patches of baldness. The cause of alopecia areata is unknown, although in some cases, alopecia areata has been associated with autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately, hair loss is a common symptom, even in kids. In many cases, the hair loss is temporary though, and the child's hair does grow back.
Telogen effluvium is cause of hair loss in children, but this condition is often poorly understood by parents. Children with telogen effluvium have often had a recent illness, typically with a high fever, surgery, sudden weight loss, or even an emotional stress, and then suddenly lose a lot of hair about six weeks to three months later.
Other common causes of hair loss in children and teens include:
• bacterial infections can causes some hair loss that appears similar to tinea capitis with scaling. But instead of being caused by ringworm, it is often caused by the staph aureaus bacteria.
• traction alopecia is common in kids who wear tight braids or ponytails and in newborns and infants who lose hair on the back of their head from rubbing it against their crib.
• hair pulling or stroking can be a habit for infants and toddlers, just like thumb sucking, sucking on a pacifier, or rubbing a blanket. It usually stops when kids are around two or three years old, just like thumb sucking, although some continue pulling until they are three to five years old. Although you can ignore this habit, since it does sometimes cause some hair loss, you could keep your child's hair cut short or try to move her to one of those other habits if it bothers you.
• trichotillomania is thought to be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder and is defined as a child or teen who compulsively pulls out her hair, feels tension before pulling or when trying to resist pulling, and feels pleasure, gratification, or relief when pulling her hair out. These children have noticeable hair loss and often need treatment from a child psychiatrist and/or child psychologist who specializes in trichotillomania.
• alopecia areata is thought to be an autoimmune disorder (the child's immune's system attacks the hair follicles) that causes complete hair loss in round or oval patches on a child's scalp or other body part. Unlike ringworm, the scalp involved in the round patches of alopecia areata is completely smooth, without redness or scale. Treatments include steroid injections and some topical medications (such as minoxidil, anthralin cream, or high dose steroid creams). Fortunately, hair growth often eventually occurs on its own, too.
• alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis are similar to alopecia areata , except that the child loses all scalp hair (alopecia totalis) or all scalp hair and all body hair (alopecia universalis). The chances for treatment success and hair regrowth are less for alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis than they are for alopecia areata. A pediatric dermatologist can help treat your child with any of these disorders. In addition to the treatments already mentioned for alopecia areata, other treatments might include ultraviolet light therapy (PUVA), oral steroids, or oral cyclosporine. A high-quality wig is sometimes the best treatment though.
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